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Our Ministry:

Gospel Text Mission is a faith missionary ministry to and through the local Bible-believing church. In 2018 Gospel Text Mission became a ministry of North Baptist Church of Brockton, MA, as the founder Casper Koning and the board decided it was the right time to turn the ministry over to someone who can continue and grow the ministry. Our desire is to give away Gospel signs so that believing families can erect them as a part of their witness for Christ.

When we minister at a church, the signs are free.   We make it a practice to never ask for money nor make any financial requirement of any church.  When we come to minister at a local church, we come to give, not to get.

Gospel signs come in four sizes - 12" x 18", 16” x 24”, 2’ x 3’, and 3’ x 5’.  All signs are professionally painted. The 12" x 18" & 16” x 24” signs are made of aluminum and plastic and are screen-painted.  All larger signs are made of aluminum and have vinyl lettering.  We use only Scripture on our signs from the King James Version.

Thousands of Gospel signs are given away annually. Signs are brought to local churches and given out at the end of the church service. However, you may order signs individually. We can mail 12" x 18", 16" x 24" and 24" x 36" signs if the cost of the sign, plus postage and handling, is covered by the recipient.

 The aluminum 12" x 18" sign is $27.00 each, the aluminum 16" x 24" sign is $30.00 each and the "coreplast"  16" x 24" sign would cost $18.00 each. The 24" x 36" metal signs are $83.00. These prices include postage and handling. (These are the only sizes we can mail.)  

Price List

The following combinations of verses are available:



1 John 1:7

1 Cor. 15:3b

Amos 4:12b

Numbers 32:23b

Acts 16:31

Eph. 2:8 & 9a

Romans 6:23a

Romans 6:23b

John 3:16a

John 3:16b

John 14:6

Romans 10:13

Jonah 2:9b

John 3:7b

On 2' x 3' and 3' x 5' aluminum signs we also have

Acts 16:31

Eph. 2:8 & 9a

Amos 4:12b   

Numbers 32:23b


If you would like us to send you a sign, please let us know exactly which one you would desire. You can call us at (508) 580-1400 or email us at gospeltext@gmail.com. You can pay online using PayPal at North Baptist Church, please put GTM in the message.

Those who use a Gospel sign as a witness place their sign on their own property in good view of those driving by.  The Lord has seen fit to bring many to Himself through Scripture signs.

New sign in front of our headquarters at North Baptist Church in Brockton, MA
25,000 cars go by our sign every day.

Brockton, MA Newspaper Story About Gospel Text Mission.

For a presentation of the ministry of
Gospel Text Mission in your church, contact:Pastor Richard Reid at (508) 580-1400 or gospeltext@gmail.com


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Bro. Casper Koning

Casper Koning

Founder, Retired


Bro. Mike Viscome

Mike Viscome

206 County Rt 85

Fulton, NY 13069-4147

Telephone: (315) 532-4284



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Gospel Text Mission

899 N. Main St., Brockton, MA 02301
Copyright 2022
All Rights Reserved